Passaic Hydrant Flushing & Valve Testing

2024 Annual Flushing Notice

Passaic Valley Water Commission (PVWC) began its annual hydrant flushing throughout its service area on Monday, April 15, 2024. Flushing will take place between 8:00 am and 10:00 pm on weekdays (except holidays) and is anticipated to be completed by November.

The purpose of this exercise is to ensure adequate water supply by removing accumulated sediment and maintaining the proper flow of water. During the flushing process, customers may experience temporary discoloration of their tap water and/or reduced water pressure. This discoloration is caused by sediment and minerals that have accumulated in the water mains over time. PVWC advises residents to refrain from doing laundry during the flushing period and to wait until the water runs clear before drinking or cooking with it. After flushing, customers experiencing discoloration are encouraged run their cold taps until the water is clear.

Stay informed of PVWC-related activity by registering to our free notification system by visiting

2024 Passaic Flushing Schedule

Date Zone Time of Flushing Street Names
7/26/2024 & 7/29/2024 Passaic 7 8am-10pm Highland Ave
      Paulison Ave
      Ward St
      Bird Ave
      Prospect Pl
      Helen Pl
      Comfort Pl
      Byron Pl
      Sanford St
      Slater St
      Oak St
      Wickham St
      Lafayette Ave
      Beech St 
      6th Ave
      7th Ave
      8th Ave

Follow us on Facebook (@thePVWC), Instagram (@passaic_valley_water) and/or Twitter (@PVWC).

Printable Map

Enlarged Clifton & Passaic Map for Zone 1 & 2

Enlarged Clifton & Passaic Map for Zone 3 & 4

Enlarged Clifton & Passaic Map for Zone 5 & 6

Enlarged Clifton & Passaic Map for Zone 7

Enlarged Clifton & Passaic Map for Zone 8

Enlarged Clifton & Passaic Map for Zone 9

Enlarged Clifton & Passaic Map for Zone 10

Enlarged Clifton & Passaic Map for Zone 11

Enlarged Clifton & Passaic Map for Zone 12

Enlarged Clifton & Passaic Map for Zone 13

Enlarged Clifton & Passaic Map for Zone 14

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