Water Quality

The Passaic Valley Water Commission (PVWC) is dedicated to providing high-quality drinking water to our customers. In order to meet that goal, we continuously strive to improve water treatment and distribution system operations, as well as analytical testing of the water supply.

PVWC owns and operates the Alan C. Levine Little Falls Water Treatment Plant (WTP), which uses water from the Passaic River in Totowa, NJ. Our WTP underwent an extensive upgrade in 2001 - 2004 to bring modern technology to the treatment of your drinking water. At that time it was the largest drinking water treatment plant in the world employing this technology, and it remains a model for treatment operators from around the world to emulate. The process is tuned for optimum treatment of the nature of water in our watershed, with the aim of removing particulate matter, pathogenic bacteria and organic contaminants, as well as natural color, taste and odor before delivery to our customers.

Please look through the various sections under the Water Quality tab above. We hope you find the information presented there useful and interesting, and we hope it gives you as much confidence as we have in the quality of your drinking water.