Customer Information

Passaic Valley Water Commission strives to produce the best water quality possible, as well as the best customer service. To help our customers pay their bill and resolve issues with greater flexibility, PVWC is pleased to offer two new opportunities for customers:

Pay By Text: If you are a registered customer who likes to pay bills online, you can now do so via text Simply go to your account in the Customer Portal at PVWC Payment Portal Login, select the Pay By Text icon and follow the quick and easy steps. If you are not registered and want to start paying by text, simply register and then follow the steps for Pay By Text.

Video Chat: We realize that sometimes it is difficult to understand what steps to take when a representative is explaining how to complete a task online. For our customers' convenience, they can now ask for a video chat with the customer service representative and see step-by-step how to perform the needed functions on their account.

For more information on these new opportunities, call PVWC Customer Service at 973-340-4300.