Doing Business With Us

Purchasing Policies

  1. Passaic Valley Water Commission conducts all its purchasing in accordance with applicable New Jersey State laws and rules, including the Local Public Contracts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq).
  2. Prior to doing business with PVWC, all vendors must provide a completed W-9 form, a valid NJ Business Registration Certificate, an EEO certificate for businesses with 50 employees or more, and a New Vendor Form. Failure to provide these documents may result in the delay of issuing a purchase order or payment, or in some circumstances, disallow us to conduct business with you.
  3. Passaic Valley Water Commission does not consider any items ordered until a Purchase Order is generated, or a Field Purchase Order number is assigned. Any goods or services rendered to PVWC without an official Purchase Order or Field Purchase Order Number may not be paid in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:4-57.



An invoice is a document which itemizes charges for the purchase of supplies, materials, equipment or services which have been furnished. It is the means by which the supplier informs the purchaser of its obligations and should contain the same basic information as the purchase order. Prompt processing of invoices for the settlement of obligations is very important to PVWC to ensure that PVWC’s services remain uninterrupted.

Invoices should be submitted to the Purchasing Department along with a signed voucher/purchase order for the same.

What an Invoice Should Contain

An invoice should contain:

  • Date of delivery
  • Date of order
  • Delivery/Freight charges if applicable
  • Destination of delivery quantities, prices, (both unit and total), terms and any other charges contained in the purchase order
  • Purchase order number
  • Itemized list of materials or services rendered in detail

Who Receives Invoices

The Using Department should initially receive all invoices from suppliers and/or contractors. They will then match the invoice with the signed voucher and any receipts and/or backups. After all required documents are submitted, the Using Department will review and sign off on the voucher. The invoice and signed voucher are then forwarded to the Purchasing Department to be processed for payment.


Payment Policies

  1. To receive payment, vendor must remit an original invoice and sign and return the Purchase Order in the Vendor Certification section.
  2. Invoices must include the following:
    • The invoice number and invoice date.
    • The PVWC Purchase Order or Field Purchase Order number.
    • A clear and detailed description of the goods and/or services provided and how they are being billed.
    • The unit amount(s) being charged, and the total amount owed.
    • The date the goods and services were provided/delivered.
    • If applicable, the name of the PVWC employee who placed the order.
  3. Passaic Valley Water Commission does not pay any type of late or interest fees.
  4. Passaic Valley Water Commission is tax exempt from Federal and State taxes. Our Tax Identification number is 22-6002470.
  5. All payments from Passaic Valley Water Commission, except for contract items and professional services, are subject to approval by our board of Commissioners. Complete Purchase Orders and invoices must be submitted to the Purchasing department at least one week prior to our monthly Commission Meeting to ensure timely payment. The dates of our Commission Meetings can be found here.
  6. All Purchase Orders and invoices should be mailed to: Passaic Valley Water Commission, 1525 Main Ave, Clifton, NJ, 07011, Attention: Purchasing Department. Alternatively, for expedited review, email them to: [email protected] [email protected]
  7. PVWC cannot provide payment based on statements alone. Please include copies of relevant invoices and contact information alongside your statement.



Contract or Bid Inquiries: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Payment Inquiries: [email protected] [email protected]