What Happens Now

levine resevoir

Follow our progress at Levine Reservoir

Providing clean, quality drinking water for consumers requires us to replace the open Levine Reservoir with enclosed water tanks. Here are the steps we’ll take:

Permits – We still need to secure a few permits before we can begin construction. Its expected that all permits will be in place by the end of 2020.

Decommission the reservoir – The first thing we need to do is to take the Levine Reservoir out of service. And, since this a primary source of drinking water, we’ll need to put alternative sources in place to provide water.

Site improvements – Construction begins by removing the existing network of pipes and replacing them with updated pipes and connections to bring clean drinking water to and from the tanks. We expect this could take until mid-2021 to get everything in place.

Tank construction – The tanks will be constructed using pre-stressed concrete panels. The actual tank construction will begin in 2021 and will take about 24 months to complete.

Creating the pond – The pond will be a smaller version of Levine Reservoir used to capture and manage water run-off from weather events. Depending upon the findings of an upcoming feasibility study, the pond may share water with the Upper Raceway, if that is restored.

Watch us grow – Native plantings will be installed around the pond and the tanks to help soften the view of the property. We’ll share photos and video of the planting process and the growth of the plants.

Click below to see photos and videos of the project

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